
So...Mr. Sterling.

The owner of the Clippers is a racist bigot. I'm just going to get that out there. He won't be an owner much longer, if NBA Commish, Adam Silver, gets his way. There are a lot of people out there saying that Sterling doesn't deserve everything that he got.

Lifetime NBA ban.
$2.5 million fine.
Forced to sell his franchise.

I'm here to tell you that those people are wrong. Sterling deserves all of this and more. There is no place in basketball or any professional sport for anyone who thinks similarly to Sterling or to spout that hateful rhetoric.

Weeks Later

It's been a few weeks since I last talked about my book. And by a few weeks, I mean most of the semester. I've done a pretty poor job of keeping up on this blog. Anyway, here's the update: I hit 90,000 words today, meaning I'm nine-tenths of the way finished with the first draft.

After this draft is over, I send it off to be edited and then I take those edits and make changes. Maybe by then it'll be good enough to publish. We'll see. I've started looking through recently. Hopefully something will come out of this.

 Keep you fingers crossed!