

The name of this post is only Gorilla because that's the name of the song on my Spotify right now, and I'm too lazy to be more creative than that.

Mostly, I just wanted to talk about how my book is going. For those of you that don't know, this is a fantasy novel that I'm working on. I'm not sure what sub-genre it would be classified under. Nerdy stuff, right? Oh well, you don't have to like it. That's why I'm talking about it here. Because I do. Really, I wish there was a silly font. Because I really do care if people like it or not. I'd like to sell this thing eventually.

I have about 70,000 words written for it right now. That's just about 145 single-spaced pages in word. Size 12, Times New Roman, standard stuff. It's a lot of writing and I'm pretty proud of what I've got so far. There's a sample chapter on this blog somewhere. If you do some digging, I'm sure you can find it. You're an intelligent human being. Besides, it isn't like there's a whole bunch of posts here. What is this? Number seven? Only one of them is a chapter of a novel.

Anywho, I'm shooting for about 100,000 words before I start editing it. That's almost the exact same length as Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, for reference.

I'll start posting some more samples of my writing here, as well. I'd like to get some input into what anyone who reads this might think of it. Thanks for reading this mostly pointless post!
